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Christoph W. Turck
Highest Education 
Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, Kunming, Yunnan, China
  +86 186 87544434; +49 175 4250898
Zip Code  
  +86 186 87544434; +49 175 4250898

Education and Appointments:


1983 Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) Peptide Chemistry, University of Aachen, Germany

1981 Dipl. Chem., Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Aachen, Germany

1978 IAESTE Industrial Traineeship, AB Volvo, R&D, Gothenburg, Sweden

1975 IAESTE Industrial Traineeship, Hellenic Aspropyrgos Refinery, Quality Control. Athens, Greece



Professional Employment


Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2023-Present     Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2023-Present     Director, Proteomics Platform, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
2002-2022         Head, Proteomics and Biomarkers
2003-Present     Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
2004-2023         Faculty, International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences

2009-Present     Faculty, Graduate Program of Systemic Neurosciences, University of Munich

2015-2022         Faculty, International Max Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry

2019-Present     Adjunct Faculty, CAS-MPG Partner Institute of Computational Biology, Shanghai

University of California, San Francisco, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
1986-2002         Director, Protein Structure Laboratory

1986-1988         Instructor of Medicine

1988-1994         Assistant Professor of Medicine

1993-2002         Associate Investigator, Cardiovascular Research Institute

1994-2000         Associate Professor of Medicine

2000-2002         Professor of Medicine

Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, NJ, USA
1983-1986         Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cell Biology


University of Aachen, Germany

1981-1982         Research Associate, Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Aachen, Germany

1982-1983         Research Associate, German Wool Research Institute, University of Aachen, Germany



Professional Activities       

2004-2008         BMBF National Genome Research Network, Project Committee

2005-2011         Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities, Proteomics Research Group

2007-2010         Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities, Executive Board

2007-Present     fNIH Biomarkers Consortium, Neuroscience Steering Committee
2008-Present     Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities, Metabolomics Research Group

2010-2015         EU Innovative Medicines Initiative, NEWMEDS, Scientific Advisory Board
2010-Present     Biomarkers in Medicine, International Editorial Advisory Board

2011-2012         American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Pharmaceuticals Interest Group

2011-2022         International Expert Panel, National Medical Research Council, Singapore
2016-2017         Visiting Scholar, University of California, San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy

2017-2020         Molecular Neuropsychiatry, Editorial Board

2017-Present     External Advisory Board, Hamartoma P01, Harvard University
2018                 Academic Advisor, Global Distinguished Scientist Center of Nanjing University
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich-China Academic Network, Advisory Board
2019-2023         Visiting Professor, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2020-2021         Cohen Veterans Bioscience, Metabolomics Working Group

2021                 Review Panel, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Major Science Initiatives Fund

2021-Present     Consultant, atai Life Sciences AG

2022-Present     Honorary Member, International Advisory Committee of National Research Facility for the Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis of Model Animals, Kunming Institute of Zoology



Awards and Grants             

1983          Wilhelm Borchers Medal, University of Aachen

1983-1986 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology

1987-1988 Research Grant, Scleroderma Society

1987-1988 Individual Investigator Research Grant, Academic Senate, UC San Francisco

1988-1989 Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee, UC San Francisco

1988-1990 United Scleroderma Foundation

1993-1996 American Heart Association Research Grant

1996-2001 American Heart Association, California Affiliate Research Grant

1998-2001 National Science Foundation, Research Award

2002-2004 Australian Research Council, Research Grant, Partner Investigator

2004-2005 Bavaria California Technology Grant

2004-2008 BMBF National Genome Research Network, Neuronet

2004-2008 BMBF National Genome Research Network, Exploratory Project Grant
2006-2011 BMBF QuantPro-Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Processes in Living Systems
2008-2013 BMBF National Genome Research Network Plus, MooDS
2009-2012 BMBF Molecular Diagnostics
2013-2018 NIH Common Fund, Collaborative Activities to Promote Metabolomics Research

2014-2018 ERANET-NEURON Mental Disorders
2015-2018 KMU-Innovativ

2019-2022 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Presidents International Fellowship Initiative

2023-2025 Yunnan High End Foreign Experts Program

2023-2025 Chinese Academy of Sciences, International Talent Program

Research Interests:

Research in my laboratory continues to center on the identification of biosignatures for psychiatric and neurogenerative disorders using -omics technologies to delineate affected molecular pathways. Our goal is to complement imprecise clinical parameters with molecular biosignatures to improve patient diagnosis, stratification and treatment. Towards this objective, we collaborate with behavioral scientists as well as clinical scientists at the Kunming Institute of Zoology and elsewhere.

Equally important, and near and dear to my heart, is the development and implementation of new technologies and biomarker sources to study molecular mechanisms involved in brain physiology and disease. In this regard, a recent focus has been on exosomes from peripheral body specimens. There are several advantages when it comes to using exosomes for diagnostic applications. They can be isolated non-invasively, their membranous structure stabilizes interior contents, and they represent a proxy of the cells they are derived from, which is particularly relevant for brain disorder biomarker identification efforts.

Previous research on rodent models at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry has provided some insights into molecular pathways affected in brain disorders. The neuroanatomy, behavior and prolonged cognitive development of non-human primates arguably makes this species a better model for the investigation of higher brain function and complex neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders in humans. In this regard, our research efforts, carried out in close collaboration with Prof. HU Xintian‘s Research Group, who has developed non-human primate models for several brain disorders, will greatly benefit from the resources available at the recently established state-of-the-art 'National Model Animal Phenotypic and Genetic Research Primate Facility‘ at the Kunming Institute of Zoology.

Biosignatures resulting from our studies will aid in early diagnosis, understanding the pathobiology and the delineation of novel drug targets for brain disorders. Our long-term goal is to translate validated biosignatures into test kits, applicable for routine diagnostics in clinical laboratories for the benefit of the patient.

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