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Brief history

Yunnan is known os the ManimalKingdom " Althoughits land areais only 4is of China,thos abou 50% of Chind insect species 42%.ofreshwocter fist of omphibions40% of eptlie, and b4%s of Chinais and area Oof brds and 50% of beasts Yunnans unioue regionol odvantoges ond muliple types of ecogical enwironment have createdextremely rich wildife resources which hove always been the focus of Chinese and foreign scientists Based on more than50 years of cintfic reseach the Amirmdl Yunnan is known os the ManimalKingdom " Althoughits land areais only 4is of China,thos abou 50% of Chind insect species 42%.ofreshwocter fist of omphibions40% of eptlie, and b4%s of Chinais and area Oof brds and 50% of beasts Yunnans unioue regionol odvantoges ond muliple types of ecogical enwironment have createdextremely rich wildife resources which hove always been the focus of Chinese and foreign scientists Based on more than50 years of cintfic reseach the Amirmdl

Kingdom' exhibtion formall exhiblted by the Kunming iostite of Zoology in September 1998 hos aroused excelln socidlresponse ondreceied good socil beneftslaying a foundation for the establishment of the Kunming ZoologicalMuseum Bose.The lstitute of Zoology hos also frained a group of professionol scintificresarchand popular science personnel

The Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology hos the largest ondrichest collction of animalspecimens in southwestChina and the ricest xhitinol forexhbtinganimal specimens in Chin tf woscllcted by severa generations of scintit from the Kunning loitite f Zoology.Chinese Aoodemy of Scences in more thon 50 eoarsThe crystallization and hard work of various specimens laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Kunming Zoological Museum

The Kunming ZoologicalMuseum ExhitionHillis oint project of the Chinese Acodemy of Sciences and the PeoplesGCovemmentof funon Province t wos estoblishedin 20o and ofilly opened to the public in November 2006 .The exhibition hall bulding hos a construction ared f7350 square meters aond an exhilion and publcservice orea of about 6.0 square meters At present.the exkhibtion holl xhiblts more thon 20000 animal specimens including more thon 90 pecies of nationalfrst+ond second-Hlevel key protected animols as well as many rare pecies, endaongered species ornamentalspeces medicial species resouce species ondedilespeciesetc The exhibited specimens fully demonstrated the charm of funnans "Animal Kingdom' and the generl oppearonce of animols in southen China incuding animdlposture specimens bone specimens skin specimens gloss slide specimens. coasting specimens and habitat ecolagy.etc: occording to the evolution hobtat and

Kunmning Zoologcl Musum s lso an importont bose fo populor science educton ocro.thecountry and Yunnan Province.and has become on important window toshowcase Yunnan's "Animal Kingdom".


Curator:Dongdong Wu

Welcome to the website of The Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology! The Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology is based on the accumulation of specimens of severalgenerations of scientists from the Kunming Institute of Zoology. With the joint efforts of all the staff of ourmuseum. it has become the largest museum of zoology in Southwest China.It is an important project of theKnowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the crystallization of the cooperationbetween the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Yunnan Provincial Academy. Kunming Zoological Museumconsiders the public to carry out popular animal science knowledge publicity and education as its servicepurpose, and also has the functions of collecting and researching national animal resources. It was certifiedas a "national second-level museum" by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2009, and it is also anational and Yunnan-based museum. The province's popular science education base and Kunming city'sboutique popular science base.

The museum's existing exhibition hall is about 6000 square meters, exhibiting more than 5.000 rare andendangered animal specimens, and relying on the collection of nearly 900.000 specimens to regularly replaceexhibits, carry out thematic exhibitions, and fully display the southwestern region of China. especially the"Animal Kingdom in Yunnan""The demeanor. Give full play to the important role of the science popularizationbase and expand the science popularization effect. At the same time, l hope that more people can learnabout and love wild animals from the Kunming Zoological Museum We will serve you wholeheartedly!


Chinese Society of Cell Biology-Science Popularization Education Base

2015 National Science Day Special Activity Organization Award

PARKnSHOP parent-child venues

Ten Excellent Popular Science Micro-Videos of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Excellent Organization Unit of National Popular Science Day Activities

Yunnan Ecological Civilization Education Base

Second Prize of Art Derivative Popular Science Products in the First Yunnan Province ...

Third Prize of Popular Science Micro-Video in the First Yunnan Science Popularization...

Second Prize of Science Popularization Tourism Product Group of the First Yunnan ...



DongDong Wu

Studies of Artificial Selection on Domestic Animals

Manager of Animal Specimen Collection Room

Song Li

Ministry of popular science education

Quanyan Chen

Director of Exhibition & Design Dept.

Libin Wu

Manager of Taxidermy

Wenshou Luo

Curator of Paleozoological section

Ji Xueping

Exhibition Designer

Guiwu He

Invasive Biology;Scientific Education

Weiwei Li

Manager of Bird Specimen Bank

Luming Liu

Manager of Amphibian and Reptile Specimen Collection Room

Shuo Liu

Manager of Fish Specimen Collection Room

Rui Min

Manager of Insect Specimen Collection Room

Kaiqin Li

Administrator for Informatization and Integrated Management

Hui Yang

Specifical research assistant

Zhou Liping

Commissioner of Science

Yu Sun

Digital Specimen Officer

Rui Yu

Commentary of Insect Collection

Hao-miao Zhangi

Commissioner of Science

Jinsong Yang