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The Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded in early 1959. After the hard work of several generations of scientists, it has now become the largest and richest collection of herbarium in Southwest China. It is part of the Kunming Zoological Museum. part. The specimen storage area is 2111.12 square meters. The storage areas include animal storage, bird storage, amphibious crawling storage, fish storage, and insect storage. Specimen storage methods include: soaking, drying, peeling, and refrigerating. The Herbarium currently has nearly 900,000 animal specimens of various types, including type specimen No. 6518/613 species/subspecies, covering almost all ecological types of animal specimens in Yunnan’s "Animal Kingdom" and neighboring provinces, with strong regional characteristics. The collection of specimens includes many rare species such as golden monkeys, giant pandas, black-necked cranes, vultures, white-tailed rainbow pheasants, sea turtles, female tortoises, Chinese sturgeons, golden-spotted swallowtails, etc., highlighting the diversity of the world’s biodiversity in our collection The importance of the abundant biodiversity specimens in the southwestern region of China in the sex hotspots. Many specimens in the collection were also collected from other regions. Based in the southwest, covering the whole country, and facing Southeast Asia is the positioning of our collection of specimens.

The abundant animal specimens not only provide a solid scientific research foundation for the scientific research personnel of the Institute and the cultivation of relevant professional masters and doctoral students, but also provide enthusiastic and thoughtful scientific research support services for all relevant professional researchers at home and abroad. , And also trained a large number of nature reserve staff for various nature reserves in Yunnan Province.

The herbarium will make greater contributions to the development of China's animal sciences, sustainable use of animal resources, biodiversity conservation research, and social development and technological progress with a new look, and exert greater social benefits.

Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Address: No. 32, Jiaochang East Road, Kunming City

Zip code: 650223

Email: yanghui2@mail.kiz.ac.cn

Curator: Dongdong Wu

Deputy curator of the Herbarium:Song Li

Contact information of each collectiong room manager

  Administrator Landline telephone Internal line E-Mail
Animal specimen Collection Room Song Li 0871-651369664 6301 lis@mail.kiz.ac.cn
Bird Specimen Collection Room Luming Liu 0871-651369664 6201 liulm03@mail.liz.ac.cn
Amphibian and reptile specimen Collection Room Shuo Liu 0871-651369664 6201 097041011@163.com
Fish specimen Collection Room Rui Min 0871-651369664 6201 tz88000302@gmail.com
Insect Specimen Collection Room

Hao-miao Zhang

Kaiqin Li

0871-651369664 6201



Curator Of Paleozoological Section

Ji Xueping

0871-0000000 0000


Inventory Classification

Animal Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Insect Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Fish Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Amphibian and Reptile Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Bird Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Data Visualization CenterLEARN MORE

Type Specimen

Animal Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Insect Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Fish Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Amphibian and Reptile Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Bird Specimen Collection RoomLEARN MORE

Data Visualization CenterLEARN MORE




No. 32, Jiaochang East Road, Wuhua District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province
