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Douglas W. Yu
Highest Education 
Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 32 Jiaochang Donglu, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, P.R.China
  +86 871 65199178
Zip Code  
  +86 871 65199178

Education and Appointments:

2008 - present: Principal Investigator, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming, China

2010 - present: Reader, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

2000 - 2010: Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

1999 - 2000: Postdoctoral Research Associate, NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park

1999: Lecturer in Ecology, Bio19, at Harvard University

1998: NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellow at Imperial College at Silwood Park

1997: Ph.D., M.S., Dept. of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

1987-1990: Marketing representative, IBM Corporation

1987: A.B., Princeton University

Research Interests:

Current research: Yu’s research can be called “Management Theory for Biology.” How do hosts manage their symbionts when symbiont behaviour and characteristics cannot be fully observed? How can society manage our biological heritage for the benefit of the many, when the same society exploits natural resources for private economic benefits, and moreover, when the exploitation is difficult to observe and control? In this light, Yu’s group has spent their time on two areas: 1) Developing and testing game-theoretical models of symbiosis, especially microbiomes. 2) Developing ‘metabarcoding’ techniques to accelerate biodiversity assessments.  

Past research: (1) Conservation biology and policy, esp. in tropical ecosystems: metabarcoding for biodiversity assessment and biomonitoring, wild meat and NTFP exploitation, ecotourism economics, and people-park conflicts;(2) Evolution and maintenance of mutualism: emphasis on microbiomes and the application of game theory to mutualisms.  

Yu has more than 80 publications, including in Nature, Science, PNAS, PLoS Biology, Ecology Letters, Ecological Monographs, Ecology, American Naturalist, Evolution, J. Applied Ecology, J. Animal Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 

Public Services:

Selected Publication:

  1. He, D., Wu, R., Feng, Y., Li, Y., Ding, C. & Wang, W., Yu, D. W. 2014. China’s transboundary waters: Water and ecological security through applied ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology, 

  2. Bohmann, K., Evans, A., Gilbert, M.T.P., Carvalho, G.R., Creer, S., Knapp, M., Yu, D.W., de Bruyn, M. 2014. Environmental DNA for wildlife biology and biodiversity monitoring. TREE, 

  3. Edwards, D.P., Magrach, A., Woodcock, P., Lim, N.T.L., Edwards, F.A., Larsen, T.H., Hsu, W.W., Benedick, S., Khen, C.V., Chung, A.Y.C., Hamer, K.C., Wilcove, D.S., Yu, D.W. 2014. Quantifying the biological impacts of commercial logging and forest conversion to oil palm. Ecological Applications, 

  4. Bayliss, J., Schaafsma, M., Balmford, A., Burgess, N.D., Green, J.M.H., Madoffe, S.S., Okayasu, S., Peh, K.S-H., Platts, P.J., Yu, D.W. 2014. The current and future value of nature-based tourism in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Ecosystem Services, 

  5. Kocher, S., L. Cai, Yang, W., Tan, H., Yi, S.V., Yang, X.Y., Hoekstra, H., Zhang, G.J., H. Pierce, N. E., Yu, D.W. 2013. The draft genome of a socially polymorphic halictid bee, Lasioglossum albipes. Genome Biology, 14: R142.  

  6. Liu, S.L., Li, Y.Y., Lu, J.L., Su, X., Tang, M., Zhou, L., Zhou, C., Yang, Q., Ji, Y.Q., Yu, D.W., and Zhou, X. 2013. SOAPBarcode: revealing arthropod biodiversity through assembly of Illumina shotgun sequences of PCR amplicons. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 4, 1142–1150. 

  7. Ji, Y. Q., Ashton, L., Pedley, S. M., Edwards, D. P., Tang, Y., Nakamura, A., Kitching, R. L., Dolman, P., Woodcock, P., Edwards, F. A., Larsen, T. H., Hsu, W. W., Benedick, S., Hamer, K. C., Wilcove, D. S., Bruce, C., Wang, X. Y., Levi, T., Lott, M., Emerson, B. C. & Yu, D. W. 2013. Reliable, verifiable, and efficient monitoring of biodiversity via metabarcoding. Ecology Letters ,16: 1245–1257.  

  8. Seipke, R. F., J. Barke, D. Heavens, D. Yu, and M. I. Hutchings. 2013. Analysis of the bacterial communities associated with two ant-plant symbioses. Microbiology Open,,2: 276–283. 

  9. Yu, D. W., Shepard, G. H., Ohl-Schacherer, J. & Levi, T. 2013. Resolviendo el conflicto “parque-personas” en el Manu, con la estrategia ‘Ocupar la Amazonía’. Reporte Manu 2013: Pasión por la investigación en la Amazonía Peruana (eds. J. Groenendijk, A. Tovar & W. Wust), pp. 342–368. San Diego Zoo Global Peru y SERNANP, Lima, Peru. 

  10. Ramirez-Gonzalez, R., D. W. Yu, C. Bruce, D. Heavens, M. Caccamo, and B. C. Emerson 2013. PyroClean: Denoising pyrosequences from protein coding amplicons for the recovery of interspecific and intraspecific genetic variation. PLoS ONE, 8: e57615. 

  11. Becksch?fer, P., P. Mundhenk, C. Kleinn, Y. Ji, D.W. Yu and R.D. Harrison. 2013. Enhanced structural complexity index: an improved index for describing forest structural complexity. Open Journal of Forestry, 3:23-29. 

  12. Wang, H., J. Ridley, D. W. Dunn, R. W. Wang, J. M. Cook, and D. W. Yu. 2013. Biased oviposition and biased survival together help resolve a fig-wasp conflict. Oikos ,122:533–540. 

  13. Scheuring, I., Yu, D.W. 2012. How to assemble a beneficial microbiome in three easy steps. Ecology Letters, 15:1300-1307. 

  14. Yu, D.W., Ji, Y.Q., Emerson, B.C., Ding, Z.L., Wang, X.Y., Yang, C.Y., Ye, C.X. 2012. Biodiversity soup: Metabarcoding for rapid, large-scale biodiversity assessment and biomonitoring of arthropods. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 3:613–623. 

  15. Shepard, G.H., Levi, T. Neves, E.G., Peres, C.A., Yu, D.W. 2012. Hunting in ancient and modern Amazonia: Rethinking sustainability. American Anthropologist, 114: 652–667.  

  16. Ye, C., Z. S. Ma, C. H. Cannon, M. Pop, and D. W. Yu. 2012. Exploiting sparseness in de novo genome assembly. BMC Bioinformatics, 13:S1. 

  17. Archetti, M., Scheuring, I., Hoffman, M., Frederickson, M.E., Pierce, N.E., Yu, D.W. 2011. Economic game theory for mutualism and cooperation. Ecology Letters, 14: 1300-1312. 

  18. Seipke, R.F., Barke, J., Ruiz-Gonzalez, M.X., Orivel, J., Yu, D.W., Hutchings, M.I. 2011. Fungus-growing Allomerus ants are associated with antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 101:443–447. 

  19. Seipke R.F., Barke J., Brearley C., Hill L., Yu D.W., Goss R.J.M. & Hutchings M.I. 2011. A single Streptomyces mutualist makes multiple antifungals to support the fungus farming ant Acromyrmex octospinosus. PLoS ONE, 6: e22028. 

  20. Dunn, D. W., S. Jansen-González, J. M. Cook, D. W. Yu, and R. A. S. Pereira. 2011. Measuring the discrepancy between fecundity and lifetime reproductive success in a pollinating fig wasp. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 140:218-225. 

  21. Levi, T., Lu, F., Yu, D.W., Mangel, M. 2011. The behavior and diet breadth of central-place foragers: an application to human hunters and Neotropical game management. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13: 171–185. 

  22. Levi, T., Shepard Jr., G.H., Ohl-Schacherer, J., Wilmers, C., Peres, C.A., Yu, D.W. 2011. Spatial tools for modeling the sustainability of subsistence hunting in tropical forests. Ecological Applications, 21: 1802-1818. 

  23. Wu R., Zhang S., Yu D.W., Zhao P., Li X., Wang L., Yu Q., Ma J., Chen A. & Long Y. 2011.. Effectiveness of China’s nature reserves in representing ecological diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9: 383-389.  

  24. Kirkby, C., Giudice, R., Day, B., Turner, R.K., Soares-Filho, B.F., Oliveira-Rodrigues, H., Yu, D.W. 2011. Closing the ecotourism-conservation loop in Amazonian Peru. Environmental Conservation, 38: 6-17. 

  25. Archetti, M., Ubeda, F., Fudenberg, D., Green, J., Pierce, N.E., Yu, D.W. 2011. Let the right one in: a microeconomic approach to partner choice in mutualisms. American Naturalist. 177: 75-85. (Faculty of 1000 Exceptional Paper, 

  26. Barke, J., Seipke, R.F., Yu, D.W., Hutchings, M.I. 2011. A mutualistic microbiome: How do fungus-growing ants select their antibiotic-producing bacteria? Invited addendum in Communicative & Integrative Biology 4: 1-3. 

  27. Weyl, E.G., Frederickson, M.E., Yu, D.W., Pierce, N.E. 2010. Economic contract theory tests models of mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107: 15712–15716.(Faculty of 1000 Must Read Paper, 

  28. Barke, J., Seipke, R.F., Gruschow, S., Heavens, D., Drou, N., Bibb, M.J., Goss, R.J.M., Yu, D.W., Hutchings, M.I., 2010. A mixed community of actinomycetes produces multiple antibiotics for the fungus farming ant Acromyrmex octospinosus. BMC Biology 8: 109.  

  29. Kirkby, C., Giudice, R., Day, B., Turner, R.K., Velarde-Andrade, L.-M., Due?as-Due?as, A., Lara-Rivas, J.-C., Yu, D.W. 2010. The market triumph of ecotourism: An economic investigation of the private and social benefits of competing land uses in the Peruvian Amazon. PLoS ONE 5, e13015. 

  30. Yu, D.W., Levi, T., Shepard, G.H. 2010. Conservation in low-governance environments. Biotropica, 42: 569-571. 

  31. Bawa, K.S., Koh, L. P. Lee, T.M., Liu, J., Ramakrishnan, P.S., Yu, D.W. , Zhang, Y.-P., Raven, P.H. 2010. China, India, and the environment. Science, 327: 1457-1458.  

  32. Debout, G. D. G., Frederickson, M., Aron, S., Yu, D.W. 2010. Unexplained split sex ratios in the Neotropical symbiotic plant-ant, Allomerus octoarticulatus var. demerarae (Myrmicinae): a test of hypotheses. Evolution, 64: 126-141.  

  33. Kirkby, C., Giudice, R., Day, B., Turner, R.K., Soares-Filho, B.F., Oliveira-Rodrigues, H., Yu, D.W. 2010. Closing the ecotourism-conservation loop in Amazonian Peru. In The Theory and Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation (eds. P. M. Kareiva, T. H. Ricketts, G. C. Daily, H. Tallis, & S. Polasky) Cambridge U. Press.  

  34. Kirkby, C. & D.W. Yu. 2010. Ecotourism case study. In Introduction to Tropical Rain Forest Ecology and Management (eds. J. Ghazoul & D. Sheil) Oxford U. Press.  

  35. Shepard, G.H., Rummenhoeller, K., Ohl-Schacherer, J., Yu, D.W. 2010. Trouble in Paradise: Indigenous populations, anthropological policies, and biodiversity conservation in Manu National Park, Peru. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29: 252–301. 

  36. Abra?o M.B., Shepard Jr, G.H., Nelson B.W., Baniwa J.C., Andrello G., Yu, D.W. 2010. Baniwa habitat classification in the white-sand campinarana habitat of the Northwest Amazon. pp. 83-115 in Landscape ethnoecology: concepts of biotic and physical space (eds. L. M. Johnson & E.S. Hunn) Berghahn Books (New York).  

  37. Yu, D.W. 2010. Managing the exploitation of wildlife in tropical forests. pp. 121-123 in Conservation Biology for All (eds. N. S. Sodhi & P. R. Ehrlich) Oxford U. Press. 

  38. Endo, W., Salas, E., Mori, S. Pacheco, V., Peres, C., Yu, D.W. 2010. Game vertebrate densities in hunted and nonhunted forest sites in Manu National Park, Peru. Biotropica ,42: 251-261.  

  39. Palminteri, S., G. Powell, W. Endo, C. Kirkby, D. W. Yu, and C. A. Peres. 2009. Usefulness of species range polygons in representing a primate community in southeastern Peru. American Journal of Primatology, 71: 1-9.  

  40. Wang, R.W., Ridley, J., Shi, L., Dunn, D.W., Cook, J.M., Zhang, Y.-P., Yu, D.W. 2009. Interference competition and high temperature reduce the virulence of fig wasps and stabilize a fig-wasp mutualism. PLoS One, 4: e7802. (Faculty of 1000 Recommended Paper, 

  41. Edwards, D.P., Frederickson, M.E., Shepard, G.H., Yu, D.W. 2009. ‘A plant needs ants like a dog needs fleas:’ Myrmelachista schumanni ants gall many tree species to create housing. American Naturalist, 174: 734-740.  

  42. Szilágyi, A., Scheuring, I., Orivel, J., Edwards, D.P., Yu, D.W. 2009. The evolution of intermediate castration virulence and ant coexistence in a spatially structured environment. Ecology Letters, 12: 1306-1316. (Faculty of 1000 Recommended Paper, 

  43. Levi, T., Shepard Jr., G.H., Ohl-Schacherer, J., Peres, C.A., Yu, D.W. 2009. Modeling the long-term sustainability of indigenous hunting in Manu National Park, Peru: Landscape-scale management implications for Amazonia. Journal of Applied Ecology ,46: 804-814.(Selected by Journal of Applied Ecology as one of the twenty-one most influential papers on applied forest management and global change in the last five years, and one of four of the most influential papers on sustainable harvest) 

  44. Fisher, B., K. Turner, M. Zylstra, R. Brouwer, R. de Groot, S. Farber, P. Ferraro, R. Green, D. Hadley, J. Harlow, P. Jefferiss, C. Kirkby, P. Morling, S. Mowatt, R. Naidoo, J. Paavola, B. Strassburg, D. Yu, and A. Balmford. 2008. Ecosystem services and economic theory: integration for policy-relevant research. Ecological Applications, 18: 2050-2067.(Faculty of 1000 Must Read Paper, 

  45. Edwards, D.P. and Yu, D.W. Tolerating castration by hiding flowers in plain sight. 2008. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63: 95-102. 

  46. Abra?o, M., Baniwa, J.C., Nelson, B.W., Andrello, G., Yu, D.W. & Shepard, G.H. 2008. Ethnobotanical Ground-Truthing of Baniwa Landscape Knowledge in the White-Sand Campinarana Forests of the Upper Rio Negro, Brazil. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 2237-2248. 

  47. Dunn, D., Yu, D.W., Ridley, J., Cook, J.M. 2008. Longevity, size and early emergence in a pollinating fig wasp – implications for the stability of the fig-pollinator mutualism. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77: 927-935. 

  48. Bush, A.A., Yu, D.W., Herberstein, M.E. 2008. Function of bright colouration in the Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 275: 1337-1342. 

  49. Ohl-Schacherer, J., Mannigel, E., Kirkby, C., Shepard Jr., G.H., Yu, D.W. 2008. Indigenous ecotourism in the Amazon: A case study of ‘Casa Matsiguenka’ in Manu National Park, Peru. Environmental Conservation, 35: 14-25.  

  50. Dunn, D. W., S. T. Segar, J. Ridley, R. Chan, R. H. Crozier, D. W. Yu, and J. M. Cook. 2008. A role for parasites in stabilising the fig-pollinator mutualism. PLoS Biology, 6:490-496. 

  51. Yu, D.W., Proulx, S.M., Shepard, G.H. 2008. Masculinity, marriage and the paradox of the lek. pp. 88-107 in The Body Beautiful (eds. V. Swami & A. Furnham). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.  

  52. Ohl, J., Wezel, A., Shepard Jr., G.H., Yu, D.W. 2007. Swidden agriculture in a human-inhabited protected area: The Matsigenka native communities of Manu National Park, Peru. Environment, Development, and Sustainability, 10: 827-843. 

  53. Edwards, D.P., R. Arauco, M. Hassall, W. J. Sutherland, K. Chamberlain, L. J. Wadham, and D. W. Yu. 2007. Protection in an ant-plant mutualism: an adaptation or a sensory trap? Animal Behaviour, 74: 377-385. 

  54. Ohl-Schacherer, J., Shepard Jr., G.H., Kaplan, H., Peres, C.A., Levi, T., Yu, D.W. 2007. The sustainability of hunting by Matsigenka native communities in Manu National Park, Peru. Conservation Biology, 21: 1174-1185. 

  55. Edwards, D.P. & Yu, D.W. 2007. The roles of sensory traps in the origin, maintenance, and breakdown of mutualism. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61:1321-1327. 

  56. Debout, G. D. G., Ventelon-Debout, G., Emerson, B. C. & Yu, D. W. 2007. PCR primers for polymorphic microsatellite loci in the plant-ant Azteca ulei var. cordiae (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 607-609. 

  57. da Silva, M.N., Shepard Jr., G.H., Yu, D.W. 2005, appeared in 2007. Conservation implications of primate hunting practices among the Matsigenka of Manu National Park. Neotropical Primates, 13: 31-36.  

  58. Debout, G. D. G., Pereyra, R., Emerson, B. C. & Yu, D. W. 2006. Characterisation of polymorphic microsatellites in the castration parasite plant-ant Allomerus octoarticulatus cf. demerarae (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 6: 182-184.  

  59. Edwards, D.P., Arauco, R., Hassall, M., Sutherland, W.J., Yu, D.W. 2006. Assembling a mutualism: ant symbionts locate their host plants by detecting volatile chemicals. Insectes Sociaux,, 53: 172-176. 

  60. Edwards, DP, M Hassall, WJ Sutherland and DW Yu 2006.. Selection for protection in ant-plant mutualism: host sanctions, host modularity, and the principal-agent game. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 273: 595-602. 

  61. Ridley, J, DW Yu and WJ Sutherland. 2005..Why long-lived species are more likely to be social: the role of local dominance. Behavioral Ecology, 16: 358-363. 

  62. Yu D.W., Wilson H.B., Frederickson M.E., Palomino W., De la Colina R., Edwards D.P. & Balareso A.A.. 2004. Experimental demonstration of species coexistence enabled by dispersal limitation. Journal of Animal Ecology 73, 1102-1114. (Faculty of 1000 Recommended Paper, 

  63. Yu, D. W., J. Ridley, E. Jousselin, E. A. Herre, S. G. Compton, J. M. Cook, J. C. Moore, G.D. Weiblen. 2004. Oviposition strategies, host coercion, and the stable exploitation of figs by wasps. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 271, 1185–1195. 

  64. Shepard, G.H., D.W. Yu, B. Nelson, M. Lizarralde & M. Italiano. 2004. Ethnobotanical Ground-Truthing and Forest Diversity in the Western Amazon. In Ethnobotany and conservation of biocultural diversity (eds. L. Maffi, T. Carlson and E. López-Zent). New York: New York Botanical Gardens (Advances in Economic Botany). 

  65. Peres, C.A., Baider, C., Zuidema, P.A., Wadt, L.H.O., Kainer, K.A., Gomes-Silva, D.A.P., Salom?o, R.P., Sim?es, L.L., Franciosi, E.R.N., Cornejo, F., Gribel, R., Shepard, G.H., Kanashiro, M., Coventry, P., Yu, D.W., Watkinson, A.R., & Freckleton, R.P. 2003. Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation. Science, 302, 2112-2114. 

  66. Yu, D.W., W. J. Sutherland, and C. Clark. 2002. Trade versus environment. TREE, 17:341-344. 

  67. Yu, D. W., and J. Ridley. 2003. Geopolitics in a buttercup. TREE,18:163-165. 

  68. Shepard Jr., G. H., & D. W. Yu. 2001. Verificación etnobotánica de imágenes de satélite: La intersección de conocimientos tradicionales y cientifícos. Debate Agrario, 33: 19-24. 

  69. Yu, D. W., H. B. Wilson, N. E. Pierce. 2001. An empirical model of species coexistence in a spatially structured environment. Ecology, 82: 1761–1771..  

  70. Yu, D. W. & H. B. Wilson. 2001. The competition-colonization tradeoff is dead. Long live the competition-colonization tradeoff American Naturalist, 158: 49–63. 

  71. Yu, D. W. 2001. Parasites of mutualisms. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 72: 529–546. 

  72. Shepard Jr., G., D. W. Yu, M. Lizarralde, and M. Italiano. 2001. Rain forest habitat classification among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon. Journal of Ethnobiology, 21: 1-38.  

  73. Weiblen, G. D., D. W. Yu, and S. A. West. 2001. Pollination and parasitism in functionally dioecious figs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 268: 651-659. 

  74. Plotkin, J.B., M.D. Potts, D.W. Yu, S. Bunyvejchewin, R. Condit, R. Foster, S. Hubbell, J. LaFrankie, N. Manokaran, L.H. Seng, R. Sukumar, M.A. Nowak & P.S. Ashton. 2000. Predicting species diversity in tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 97: 10850-10854.  

  75.Yu, D.W. & G.H. Shepard. 1999. The mystery of female beauty: Reply. Nature, 399: 216.  

  76.Yu, D.W. & G.H. Shepard. 1998. Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?  Nature, 396: 321-322.  

  77.Yu, D.W., J.W. Terborgh & M.D. Potts. 1998. Can high tree species richness be explained by Hubbell's null model? Ecology Letters, 1: 193-199.  

  78.Yu, D. W., and N. E. Pierce. 1998. A castration parasite of an ant-plant mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 265: 375-382.  

  79. Shea, K., Amarasekare, P., Kareiva, P., Mangel, M., Moore, J., Murdoch, W. W., Noonburg, E., Parma, A. M., Pascual, M. A., Possingham, H. P., Wilcox, C. & Yu, D., 1998. Management of populations in conservation, harvesting and control. TREE, 13, 371-374.  

  80. Parma, A. M., Amarasekare, P., Mangel, M., Moore, J., Murdoch, W. W., Noonburg, E., Pascual, M. A., Possingham, H. P., Shea, K., Wilcox, C. & Yu, D. 1998. What can adaptive management do for our fish, forests, food, and biodiversity? Integrative Biology, 1: 6-26.  

  81. Yu, D. W. & D. Quicke. 1997. Compsobraconoides (Braconidae: Braconinae), the first Hymenopteran ectoparasitoid of adult Azteca ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 6: 419-421. 

  82. Yu, D. W., T. Hendrickson & A. Castillo. 1997. Ecotourism in Peru: short-term and long-term challenges. Environmental Conservation, 24: 130-138.  

  83. Yu, D.W. & D. W. Davidson. 1997. Experimental studies of species-specificity in Cecropia-ant relationships. Ecological Monographs, 67: 273-294.  

  84. Terborgh, J. W., L. Lopez, J. Tello, D. W. Yu & A. R. Bruni. 1997. Transitory states in relaxing ecosystems of land-bridge islands. Pp. 256-274 in Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities. (W. F. Laurance and R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., Eds., University of Chicago Press, Chicago).  

  85. Yu, D. W. 1995. New factor in free trade: Reply to Jenkins. Conservation Biology, 10: 303-304. 

  86. Yu, D. W. 1994. Free trade is green. Protectionism is not. Conservation Biology, 8: 989-996. 

  87. Yu, D. W. 1994. The structural role of epiphytes in ant gardens. Biotropica, 26: 222-226. 

Supported Projects:
The evolution and ecology of mutualisms

Figs and fig wasps: Fig wasps pollinate fig plants, but the wasps also lay eggs in seeds, so the plant must somehow limit wasp reproduction, even though we expect wasps to evolve faster than the plants. We
developed a model to explain how the mutualism is maintained. Optimally foraging wasp choose high-profit ovules in which to oviposit. We have shown that wasps avoid the fig's outer ovules, which have a higher probability of being attacked by parasitoid wasps. This allows those ovules to turn into seeds, preserving the female component of fig fitness. In addition, outer ovules require more time for oviposition, and female offspring in outer ovules are less likely to be mated. In summary, we show how cooperation between two species can be maintained by a third species, even one that is normally considered parasitic. This result has important implications for many mutualisms, because most mutualisms involve multiple species, including parasites, but most of the theory includes only two species. We are now investigating the mechanisms that limit wasp lifespans inside the fig.

Economic theory of information: My colleagues and I are now trying to create a new theory of mutualism. This work originally started with ant-plant mutualisms. Hundreds of species of tropical plants house symbiotic ants, which, in return, attack herbivores by patrolling leaves. Plants cannot monitor ant patrolling effort directly, but our experiments show that plants kill off structures used for ant housing if too much leaf area is lost to herbivores, punishing the failure to patrol successfully . Leaf area is therefore a signal correlated with patrolling effort. A parallel example in humans is the promotion system in academia, which uses publications to judge scientific effort and quality.
There is a body of theory in economics that models this type of interaction, the economics of information. Each plant hires an ant colony ‘agent’ under a payment scheme that resembles a human employment contract. In 2007, based on this idea, I initiated and led a successful six-country consortium grant proposal to the European Science Foundation (BIOCONTRACT: The Evolution of Cooperation and Trading, We are writing models to understand when hosts can and cannot successfully punish or reward symbionts and how much, when hosts can cause symbionts to “self-screen” so that only mutualistic symbionts evolve to enter the host, and when symbionts can signal their cooperative nature to potential hosts.
In earlier work, my colleagues and I used an ant-plant symbiosis to develop and test the first successful spatial ecology model of species coexistence. The next step is to use this characterized system to test ways in which we can exploit spatial genetic structure to infer dispersal distances.
Recent and current lab members (The ECEC was established in late 2008).

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