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Qing-Peng Kong
Highest Education 
Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 32 Jiaochang Donglu, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, P.R.China
  +86 871 65197967
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  +86 871 65197967

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(* corresponding author)

  [1]He Y-H, Lu X, Cai W-W*, Yang L-Q, Xu L-Y, Sun H-P, Kong Q-P* (2014) MitochondrialDNA content contributes to healthy aging in Chinese: a study from nonagenarians and centenarians. Neurobiology of Aging 35(2014):1779.e1-1779.e4 (Impact Factor:6.166) 

  [2]Liu Y-W, He Y-H, Zhang Y-X, Cai W-W*, Yang L-Q, Xu L-Y, Kong Q-P* (2014) Absence of A673T variant in APP gene indicates an alternative protective mechanism contributing to longevity in Chinese individuals. Neurobiology of Aging 35(2014): 935.e11-935.e12. (Impact Factor: 6.166) 

  [3]ChengY-T, Liu J, Yang L-Q, Sun C, Kong Q-P* (2013) Mitochondrial DNA content contributes to climate adaptation using Chinese populations as a Model. PLoS ONE 8(11):e79536 (Impact Factor: 3.73) 

  [4]Liu J, Wang L-D, Sun Y-B, Li E-M, Xu L-Y, Zhang Y-P, Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P* (2012) Deciphering the signature of selective constraints on cancerous mitochondrial genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(4):1255–1261 (Impact Factor:10.353) 

  [5]Wang H-W, Li Y-C, Sun F, Zhao M, Mitra B, Chaudhuri TK, Regmi P, Wu S-F, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2012) Revisiting the role of the Himalayas in peopling Nepal: insights from mitochondrial DNA genomes. Journal of Human Genetics 57:228234 (Impact Factor: 2.365) 

  [6]Elson JL, Sweeney MG, Procaccio V, Yarham JW, Salas A, Kong Q-P, van der Westhuizen FH, Pitceathly RD, Thorburn DR, Lott MT, Wallace DC, Taylor RW, McFarland R (2012) Towards a mtDNA locus-specific mutation database using the 

  LOVD platform. Human Mutation 33(9):13521358  (Impact Factor: 5.213) 

  [7]Wang C-Y, Li H, Hao X-D, Liu J, Wang J-X, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2011) Uncovering theprofile of somatic mtDNA mutations in Chinese colorectal cancer patients. PLoS ONE 6(6):e21613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021613 (Impact Factor: 3.73) 

  [8]Peng M-S, Palanichamy Mg, Yao Y-G, Mitra B, Cheng Y-T, Zhao M, Liu J, Wang H-W, Pan H, Wang W-Z, Zhang A-M, Zhang W, Wang D, Zou Y, Yang Y, Chaudhuri TK, Kong Q-P*, and Zhang Y-P* (2011) Inland post-Glacial dispersals in East Asia revealed by mitochondrial haplogroup M9a’b. BMC Biology 9:2 (Impact Factor: 6.531) 

  [9]Wang H-W, Mitra B, Chaudhuri TK, Palanichamy Mg, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2011)Mitochondrial DNA evidence supports northeast Indian origin of the aboriginal Andamanese in the Late Paleolithic. Journal of Genetics & Genomics 38:117–122 (Impact Factor: 2.076) 

  [10]Kong Q-P*, Sun C, Wang H-W, Zhao M, Wang W-Z, Zhong L, Hao X-D, Pan H, Wang S-Y, Cheng Y-T, Zhu C-L, Wu S-F, Liu L-N, Jin J-Q, Yao Y-G, Zhang Y-P* (2011) Large-scale mtDNA screening reveals a surprising matrilineal complexity in East Asia and its implications to the peopling of the region. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28:513522 (Impact Factor: 10.353) 

  [11]Liu C, Wang S-Y, Zhao M, Xu Z-Y, Hu Y-H, Chen F, Zhang R-Z, Gao G-F, Yu Y-S,Kong Q-P(2011) Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Gelao ethnic group residing in Southwest China.Forensic Science International-Genetics 5: e4e10 (Impact Factor : 3.861) 

  [12]Peng M-S, Ho Q-H, Pham D-K, Vu T-A, Wang H-W, Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2010) Tracing the Austronesian footprint in mainland Southeast Asia: a perspective from mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 24172430 (Impact Factor:10.353) 

  [13]Wang W-Z, Wang C-Y, Cheng Y-T, Xu A-L, Zhu C-L, Wu S-F, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2010) Tracing the origins of Hakka and Chaoshanese by mitochondrial DNA analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141:124130 (Impact Factor: 2.481) 

  [14]Zhao M, Kong Q-P*, Wang H-W, Yao Y-G, Xie X-D, Wang W-Z, Jiayang, Duan J-G, Cai M-C, Zhao S-N, Cidanpingcuo, Tu Y-Q, Wu S-F, Yao Y-G, Bandelt H-J, and Zhang Y-P*. (2009) Mitochondrial genome evidence reveals successful Late Paleolithic settlement on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:21230–21235 (Impact Factor: 9.737 ) 

  [15] Kong Q-P, Salas A, Sun C, Fuku N, Tanaka M, Zhong L, Wang C-Y, Yao Y-G, Bandelt H-J (2008) Distilling artificial recombinants from large sets of complete mtDNA genomes. PLoS ONE 3(8): e3016. (Impact Factor =4.351) 

  [16] Wang C-Y, Wang H-W, Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P*, Zhang Y-P* (2007) Somatic mutations of mitochondrial genome in early stage breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer 121:1253–1256 (Impact Factor =4.555) 

  [17] Kong Q-P*, Bandelt H-J, Sun C, Yao Y-G, Salas A, Achilli A, Wang C-Y, Zhong L, Zhu C-L, Wu S-F, Torroni A, Zhang Y-P* (2006) Updating the East Asian mtDNA phylogeny: a prerequisite for the identification of pathogenic mutations. Human Molecular Genetics 15:2076–2086 (Impact Factor =8.099) 

  [18] Sun C, Kong Q-P(co-first author), Palanichamy Mg, Agrawal S, Yao Y-G, Zhu C-L, Bandelt H-J, Zhang Y-P (2006) The dazzling array of basal branches in the mtDNA macrohaplogroup M from India as inferred from complete genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 683–690 (Impact Factor =6.726) 

  [19] Kong Q-P, Yao Y-G, Sun C, Bandelt H-J, Zhu C-L, Zhang Y-P (2003) Phylogeny of East Asian mitochondrial DNA lineages inferred from complete sequences. American Journal of Human Genetics 73:671–676 (Impact Factor=11.602) 

  [20] Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P(co-first author), Wang C-Y, Zhu C-L, Zhang Y-P (2004) Different matrilineal contributions to genetic structure of ethnic groups in the Silk Road region in China. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21:2265–2280 (Impact Factor =6.355) 

  [21] Kong Q-P, Yao Y-G, Liu M, Shen S-P, Chen C, Zhu C-L, Palanichamy Mg, Zhang Y-P (2003) Mitochondrial DNA sequence polymorphisms of five ethnic populations from northern China. Human Genetics 113:391–405 (Impact Factor =4.022) 

  [22]Kong Q-P, Yao Y-G, Sun C, Bandelt H-J, Zhu C-L, Zhang Y-P (2003) Phylogeny of East Asian mitochondrial DNA lineages inferred from complete sequences. American Journal of Human Genetics 73:671–676 (Impact Factor: 11.202 ) 

Supported Projects:

Natural Science Foundation of China 

Project Supported by Young Scientist of the Kunming Institute of Zoology.CAS 

Sub-topic of the National "973" Key Basic Research Project  

State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution project
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