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Ju-Min Zhou
Highest Education 
  China Ph.D. Genetics Zoology
Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 32 Jiaochang Donglu, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, P.R.China
  +86 871 65137652
Zip Code  
  +86 871 65137652

Education and Appointments:

Wistar Committees:
Wistar Training Committee (2002-present),
Seminar Committee (2001-present),
Chair, Seminar Committee (2006-present)
Research Services Committee (2005-2006).
Organizer, Wistar annual Ethics Training (2004-2008).
SURF summer student selection (2002-2008).
Penn Appointment:
Associate faculty, Genetics Department, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. (2002-present).
Teaching Responsibilities:
CAMB 605. Cell and Molecular Biology Seminar course for first  year graduate students   (2002-present).
Thesis committee:
Le Ben Wan, CAMB, UPENN. 2005-2009.
Shu Lin, CAMB, UPENN. 2006-present.
Austin Thiel, CAMB, UPENN. 2008-present.
Penn student prelim exam committee:
Stacie Dilks. CAMB, Upenn. May 2006.
Matthew Buas. CAMB, Upenn. May 2005.
Other Committees:
Faculty tenure promotion committee, Texas A&M University, 2010.
Reviewer for Journals:
Molecular Cell Biology, PNAS, Genes & Development, Molecular Cell, Development, Developmental Biology, Gene
Mechanism of Development, NAR. PLoS Genetics. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Grants:NSF (2004-present)
Curriculum vitae:

  2000?2008  2008-present Associate Professor, The Wistar Institute, Gene Expression and Regulation Program 

  2000?2007  ssistant Professor, The Wistar Institute, Gene Expression & Regulation Program. 

  2002?present Faculty member, CAMB graduate group, University of Pennsylvania. 

  2002?present Associate faculty, Genetics Department, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. 

  1995?2000  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California at Berkeley, Department of Molecular Genetics (in the laboratory of Dr. Mike Levine). 

  1990?1995  Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (in the laboratory of Dr. Eric Olson). 

  1986?1989  Graduate Research Assistant, Shanghai Institute of Pharmacology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

  1982?1986  Fudan University, Shanghai, China. BS. Physiology. 

Research Interests:

Gene Expression and Regulation Immunology

Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis

Public Services:


1984-1986 Scholarship Award (top 5%), Department of Biology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

1986 graduated summa cum laude. Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Membership in Professional Organizations:

1997-present Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science

1998-present   Member, Genetics Society of America

2012 Distinguished service award, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, US.

Selected Publication:

1. Hu B., Huo Y., Yang L., Chen G., Luo M., Yang J. and Zhou J. (2017) ZIKV infection effects changes in gene splicing, isoform composition and lncRNA expression in human neural progenitor cells.  Virol J., 14(1):217.


2. Lang F, Li X, Zheng W, Li Z, Lu D, Chen G, Gong D, Yang L, Fu J, Shi P and Zhou J. (2017). CTCF prevents genomic instability by promoting homologous recombination-directed DNA double-strand break repair. PNAS, 114:10912-10917.


3. Lang F, Li X, Vladimirova O, Hu B, Chen G, Xiao Y, Singh V, Lu D, Li L, Han H, Wickramasinghe JMASP, Smith ST, Zheng C, Li Q, Lieberman PM, Fraser NW and Zhou J. (2017). CTCF interacts with the lytic HSV-1 genome to promote viral transcription. Scientific Reports, 7.


4. Hu B, Huo Y, Chen G, Yang L, Wu D and Zhou J. (2016). Functional prediction of differentially expressed lncRNAs in HSV-1 infected human foreskin fibroblasts. Virol J., 13.


5. Hu B, Li X, Huo Y, Yu Y, Zhang Q, Chen G, Zhang Y, Fraser NW, Wu D and Zhou J. (2016). Cellular responses to HSV-1 infection are linked to specific types of alterations in the host transcriptome. Scientific Reports, 6.


6. Li L, Li Z, Li X, Wang E, Lang F, Xia Y, Fraser NW, Gao F and Zhou J. (2016). Reactivation of HSV-1 following explant of tree shrew brain. J. Neurovirology, 22:293-306.


7. Li L, Li Z, Wang E, Yang R, Xiao Y, Han H, Lang F, Li X, Xia Y, Gao F, Li Q, Fraser NW and Zhou J. (2016). Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection of Tree Shrews Differs from That of Mice in the Severity of Acute Infection and Viral Transcription in the Peripheral Nervous System. J. Virology, 90:790-804.


8. Li Z, Fang C, Su Y, Liu H, Lang F, Li X, Chen G, Lu D and Zhou J. (2016) Visualizing the replicating HSV-1 virus using STED super-resolution microscopy. Virol J., 13.


9. Lang F, Li X, Vladmirova O, Li Z, Chen G, Xiao Y, Li L, Lu D, Han H, Zhou J. (2015) Selective recruitment of host factors by HSV-1 replication centers. Zoological Research, 36:142-151.


10. Lin Q, Lin L, and Zhou J. (2010). Chromatin Insulator and the Promoter Targeting Sequence modulate the timing of long-range enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo. Developmental Biology15;339(2):329-337.  


11. Smith S, Wickramasinghe P, Olson A, LouKinov D, Lin L, Deng J, Xiong Y, Rux J, Sachidanandam R, Sun H, Lobanenkov V, and Zhou J. (2009). Genome wide ChIP-chip analyses of dCTCF reveal important roles for insulator proteins in Drosophila genome organization. Developmental Biology15;328(2):518-28.  


12. Chen Q, Lin L, Huang J, Smith S, Planck J, Berger S, and Zhou J. (2007) A CTCF dependent boundary exists in the LAT HSV-1 genome to separate latent and lytic specific genes. J. Virology 81(10): 5192-201.  


13. Lin Q, Chen Q, Lin L, Smith S, and Zhou J. (2007). The Promoter Targeting Sequence mediates enhancer interference in the Drosophila embryos. PNAS104: 3237-3242.  


14. Chen Q, Lin L, Smith S, Lin Qand Zhou J. (2005). Multiple Promoter Targeting Sequences exist in Abdominal-B to regulate long-range gene activation. Developmental Biology, 286, 629-36.  


15. Moon H, Filippova G, Loukinov D, Pugacheva E, Chen Q, Smith ST, Munhall A, Grewe B, Bartkuhn M, Arnold R Ohlsson R, Zhou J, Renkawitz R, Lobanenkov V. (2005). CTCF is conserved from Drosophila to humans and confers enhancer blocking of the Fab-8 insulator. EMBO Rep. 6, 165-70.  


16. ZhouJ, and Berger SL. (2004). Good fences make good neighbors: barrier elements and genomic regulation. Molecular Cell16, 500-2. 


17. Lin Q, Chen Q, Lin L, and Zhou J. (2004). The Promoter Targeting Sequence mediates epigenetically heritable transcription memory. Genes Dev.,18, 2639-51.  


18. Lin Q, Wu D, and Zhou J. (2003). The promoter targeting sequence facilitates and restricts a distant enhancer to a single promoter in the Drosophila embryo. Development, 130, 519-26.  


19. Zhou J, and Levine M. (1999). A novel cis-regulatory element, the PTS, mediates an anti-insulator activity in the Drosophila embryo. Cell, 99, 567-575.  


20. Zhou J, Ashe H, Burks C, and Levine M.  (1999). Characterization of the transvection mediating region of the Abdominal-B locus in Drosophila. Development, 126, 3057-3065.  


21. Zhou J, Zwicker J, Szymanski P, Levine M, and Tjian R. (1998). TAFII mutations disrupt Dorsal activation in the Drosophila embryo. PNAS, 95, 13483-13488.  


22. Zhou J, Cai HN, Ohtsuki S, and Levine M. (1997).  The regulation of enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo. Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol., LXII: 307.  


23. Zhou J, Barolo S, Szymansky P, and Levine M. (1996). The Fab-7 element of the bithorax complex attenuates enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo. Genes Dev., 10: 3195-3201.  


24. Staudinger J, Zhou J, Burgess R, Elledge SJ, and Olson EN. (1995). PICK1: a perinuclear binding protein and substrate for protein kinase C isolated by the yeast two-hybrid system. J. Cell Biol., 128, 263-71.  


25. Zhou J, and Olson EN. Dimerization through the Helix-loop-helix motif enhances phosphorylation of the transcription activation domains of myogenin. (1994). Mol. Cell Biol., 14, 6232-6243.  


26. Li L, Zhou J, James G, Heller-Harrison R, Czech M, and Olson EN. (1992). FGF inactivates myogenic helix-loop-helix proteins through phosphorylation of a conserved protein kinase C site in their DNA binding domains. Cell, 71, 1181-1194.


Supported Projects:
NIH PO1 (NS 33768, active, 2007-2012)
The mechanism of the latency of the Herpes Simplex Virus. PI Nigel Fraser, UPENN. Project leaders: Jumin Zhou, project 2; Shelley Berger (UPENN), project 3; Tim Block (Drexel Univ), Project 4. $1,300,000.

Identification and characterization of the proteins interacting with the PTS element. 
R01 GM 65391-01A1  (NIH 4/1/03-4/30/08). $1,550,000.        
Dissecting the Functions of a Novel Cis-Element PTS

Facilitating Long Range Enhancer-Promoter Interactions by the PTS Element

EDWARD MALLINCKRODT, JR. FOUNDATION (10/1/04-9/30/05). $100,000
Regulating Enhancer-Promoter Communications in the Hox Gene Cluster by the PTS Element 

CONCERN FOUNDATION (7/1/02-6/30/04). $220,000.
Regulating Enhancer-Promoter Interactions by a Novel Cis Element, PTS

W. W. Smith Charitable Trust (09/01/02-08/31/03). $80,000.
Regulation of long Range gene activation by the Promoter Targeting Sequence.

NIH, NCI, Cancer Center New Investigator Award (2001-2005). $250,000
Study specialized regulatory DNA element in development.

Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement Program, Pennsylvania Department of health (2001-present). $200,000

Leukemia Research Foundation (7/1/01-6/30/02). $75,000
Regulating Enhancer-Promoter Interactions by a Novel Cis Element, PTS

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