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Xiong-Jian Luo
Highest Education 
  China Ph.D
Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 32 Jiaochang Donglu, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, P.R.China
  +86 871 68125413
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Education and Appointments:

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Selected Publication:

(*Authors contributed equally#corresponding author)  

1.Kaiqin Li; Yifan Li; Junyang Wang; Yongxia Huo; Di Huang; Shiwu Li; Jiewei Liu; Xioayn Li; Rong Liu; Xiaogang Chen; Yong gang Yao; Ceshi Chen; Xiao Xiao;  Ming Li*; Xiongjian Luo*.A functional missense variant in ITIH3 affects protein expression and neurodevelopment and confers schizophrenia risk in Han Chinese population. Journal of Genetics and Genomics; 2020; In Press.

2.Shiwu Li#; Yifan Li#; Xiaoyan Li; Jiewei Liu; Yongxia Huo; Junyang Wang; Zhongchun Liu; Ming Li; Xiongjian Luo*; Regulatory mechanisms of major depressive disorder risk variants; Molecular Psychiatry; 2020;Online first.

3.Yongxia Huo#; Shiwu Li#; Jiewei Liu; Xiaoyan Li; Xiongjian Luo*; Functional genomics reveal gene regulatory mechanisms underlying schizophrenia; Nature Communications; 2019;10(670).

4.Cuiping Yang#; Xiaoyan Li#; Yong Wu#; Qiushuo Shen#; Yong Zeng; Qiuxia Xiong; Mengping Wei; Chunhui Chen; Jiewei Liu; Yongxia Huo; Kaiqin Li; Gui Xue; Yong-Gang Yao; Chen Zhang; Ming Li; Yongbin Chen*; Xiongjian Luo*; Comprehensive integrative analyses identify GLT8D1 and CSNK2B as schizophrenia risk genes; Nature Communications; 2018; 9: 0-838.

5.Yong Wu; Yonggang Yao*; Xiongjian Luo*; SZDB: A Database for Schizophrenia Genetic Research; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2017; 43(2): 459-471.

6.Xiongjian Luo#*; Manuel Mattheisen#; Ming Li; Liang Huang; Marcella Rietschel; Anders D. B?rglum; Edwin J. van den Oord; Karolina A. Aberg; Ole Mors; Preben Bo Mortensen; Zhenwu Luo; Sven Cichon; Thomas G. Schulze; Markus M. N?then; Franziska Degenhardt; iPSYCH-GEMS SCZ working group; MooDS SCZ Consortium; Bing Su; Zhongming Zhao; Lin Gan; Yonggang Yao; Systematic Integration of Brain eQTL and GWAS Identifies ZNF323 as a Novel Schizophrenia Risk Gene and Suggests Recent Positive Selection Based on Compensatory Advantage on Pulmonary Function; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2015; 41(6): 1294-1308.

7.Jingmei Zhong#; Shiwu Li#; Wanli Zeng#; Xiaoyan Li#; Chunjie Gu; Jiewei Liu; Xiongjian Luo*; Integration of GWAS and brain eQTL identifies FLOT1 as a risk gene for major depressive disorder; Neuropsychopharmacology; 2019; 44(9): 1542-1551.

8.Xiaoyan Li#; Zhenwu Luo#; Chunjie Gu; Lynsey S. Hall; Andrew M. McIntosh; Yanni Zeng; David J Porteous; Caroline Hayward; Ming Li; Yonggang Yao; Chen Zhang*; Xiongjian Luo*; the 23andMe Research Team; Common variants on 6q16.2, 12q24.31 and 16p13.3 are associated with major depressive disorder; Neuropsychopharmacology; 2018;43: 21462153.

9.Changguo Ma; Chunjie Gu; Yongxia Huo; Xiaoyan Li; Xiongjian Luo*; The integrated landscape of causal genes and pathways in schizophrenia; Translational Psychiatry; 2018; 8: 0-67.

10.Yongxia Huo#; Liang Huang#; Dengfeng Zhang; Yonggang Yao; Yiru Fang; Chen Zhang*; Xiongjian Luo*;  Identification of SLC25A37 as a major depressive disorder risk gene; J Psychiatr Res; 2016; 83: 168-175.

11.Xiongjian Luo#*; Chen Zhang#; Down-regulation of SIRT1 in major depressive disorder; American Journal of Psychiatry; 2016; 173(10): 0-1046.

12.Ming Li#; Liang Huang#; Kaiqin Li#; Yongxia Huo#; Chunhui Chen; Jinkai Wang; Jiewei Liu; Zhenwu Luo; Chuansheng Chen; Qi Dong; Yonggang Yao; Bing Su; Xiongjian Luo*; Adaptive Evolution of Interleukin-3 (IL3), a Gene Associated with Brain Volume Variation in General Human Populations; Human Genetics; 2016; 135: 377-392.

13.Ming Li#*; Dongdong Wu#; Yonggang Yao; Yongxia Huo; Jiewei Liu; Bing Su; Daniel I. Chasman; Audrey Y. Chu; Tao Huang; Lu Qi; Yan Zheng; CHARGE Nutrition Working Group; DietGen Consortium; Xiongjian Luo#*; Recent Positive Selection Drives the Expansion of a Schizophrenia Risk Non-synonymous Variant at SLC39A8 in Europeans; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2016; 42(1): 178-190.

14.Xiongjian Luo*; Liang Huang; Edwin J. van den Oord; Karolina A. Aberg; Lin Gan; Zhongming Zhao; Yong-Gang Yao; Common Variants in the MKL1 Gene Confer Risk of Schizophrenia; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2015; 41(3): 715-727.

15.Xiongjian Luo#*; Liang Huang#; Leng Han#; Zhenwu Luo; Fang Hu; Roger Tieu; Lin Gan; Systematic Prioritization and Integrative Analysis of Copy Number Variations in Schizophrenia Reveal Key Schizophrenia Susceptibility Genes; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2014; 40(6): 1285-1299.

16.Xiongjian Luo#*; Ming Li#; Liang Huang; Stacy Steinberg; Manuel Mattheisen; Liang G; Gary Donohoe; Yongyong Shi; Chuansheng Chen; Weihua Yue; Anna Alkelai; Bernard Lerer; Zhiqiang Li; Qizhong Yi; Marcella Rietschel; Sven Cichon; David A. Collier; Sarah Tosato; Jaana Suvisaari; Dan Rujescu; Vera Golimbet; Teimuraz Silagadze; Naser Durmishi; Milica Pejovic Milovancevic; Hreinn Stefansson; Thomas G. Schulze; Markus M. Nthen; Chunhui Chen; Ronan Lyne; Derek W. Morris; Michael Gill; Aiden Corvin; Dai Zhang; Qi Dong; Robert K. Moyzis; Kari Stefansson; Engilbert Sigurdsson; Fang Hu; MooDS SCZ Consortium; Bing Su; Lin Gan*; Convergent Lines of Evidence Support CAMKK2 as a Schizophrenia Susceptibility Gene; Molecular Psychiatry; 2014; 19(7): 774-783. (Faculty 1000 Recommendation)

17.Xiongjian Luo#*; Liang Huang#; Peilin Jia#; Ming Li; Bing Su; Zhongming Zhao; Lin Gan; Protein-Protein Interaction and Pathway Analyses of Top Schizophrenia Genes Reveal Schizophrenia Susceptibility Genes Converge on Common Molecular Networks and Enrichment of Nucleosome (chromatin) Assembly Genes in Schizophrenia Susceptibility Loci; Schizophrenia Bulletin; 2014; 40(1): 39-49.

18.Ming Li#; Xiongjian Luo#; Marcella Rietschel; Cathryn M. Lewis; Manuel Mattheisen; Bertram Müller Myhsok; Stéphane Jamain; Marion Leboyer; Mikael Landén; Paul M. Thompson; Sven Cichon; Markus M. Nthen; Thomas G. Schulze; Patrick F. Sullivan; Sarah E. Bergen; Gary Donohoe; Derek W. Morris; April Hargreaves; Michael Gill; Aiden Corvin; Christina Hultman; Arthur W. Toga; Lei Shi; Qiang Lin; Hong Shi; Lin Gan; Andreas Meyer Lindenberg; Darina Czamara; Chantal Henry; Bruno Etain; Joshua C. Bis; M. Arfan Ikram; Myriam Fornage; Stephanie Debette; Lenore J. Launer; SudhaSeshadri; Susanne Erk; Henrik Walter; Andreas Heinz; Frank Bellivier; Jason L. Stein; Sarah E. Medland; Alejandro Arias Vasquez; Derrek P. Hibar; Barbara Franke; Nicholas G. Martin; Margaret J. Wright; MooDS Bipolar Consortium; The Swedish Bipolar Study Group; The Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; ENIGMA consortium; CHARGE consortium; Bing Su*; Allelic Differences Between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and Their Implications in Gene Expression Regulation, Hippocampal Structure and Function and Bipolar Disorder Susceptibility; Molecular Psychiatry; 2014; 19(4): 452-461.

19.Xiongjian Luo; Min Deng; Xiaoling Xie; Liang Huang; Hui Wang; Lichun Jiang; Guoqing Liang; Fang Hu; Roger Tieu; Rui Chen; Lin Gan*; GATA3 Controls the Specification of Prosensory Domain and Neuronal Survival in the Mouse Cochlea; Human Molecular Genetics; 2013; 22(18): 3609-3623.(Cover Story).

20.Xiongjian Luo; Hongbo Diao; Jinkai Wang; Hui Zhang; Zhongming Zhao; Bing Su*; Association of Haplotypes Spanning PDZ-GEF2, LOC728637 And ACSL6 with Schizophrenia in Han Chinese; Journal of Medical Genetics; 2008; 45(12): 818-826.

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