The Laboratory Animal Breeding Center, Kunming Institute of Zoology, one of the three laboratory animal bases of Chinese Academy of Sciences, provides high level laboratory animals to national and international wide academic institutions. It focuses on the training, breeding and diseases preventing of non-human primates and tree shrew. Until now, the center has more than 3,000 laboratory non-human primates, including macaque (macaca mulatta), pig-tailed macaque (macacanemestrina), stump-tailed macaque (macaca arctoides), assam macaque (macaca assamensis), cynomolgus (macaca fascicularis), golden monkey (rhinopithecus roxellanae), and tree shrew (tupaia belangeri), and comprised of departments of animal microorganism (virus) detection, nutrition, clinics, and pathology.
The center could accommodate 4,000 non-human primates and has experimental facilities for 340 animals. It has passed the AAALAC evaluation and reached the international laboratory animal breeding and administration standard. The goal of the center is to develop into the best possible breeding center, provide the high standard laboratory animals and devote to cure diseases, promote health.
32 Jiaochang Donglu, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China
Tel:+86-0871-65195511; +86-0871-68403296