Wang Wen, Deputy Director of the Kunming Institute of Zoology, was recently honored as part of the Ministry of Science ‘s 2012 innovation plan to promote domestic scientific talent. Some 201 finalists were selected for scientific and technological innovation, and 64 for scientific and technological innovation in entrepreneurship, as well as 86 innovative teams and 18 research centers.
The innovative talents promotion plan is a government-wide talent program launched in 2012 by the Ministry of Science and Technology as part of their implementation of the 18th CPC National Congress and National Medium and Long-term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020). The talent innovation plans aims at cultivating and fostering the development of long-term talent through 12 goals: facilitate policy through institutional change, increase the number of scientists trained, support high-class scientists and engineers, nurture outstanding entrepreneurial teams and talent, develop talent bases and strengthen team building, drive the development of various scientific and technological personnel, increase the capacity for innovation, each aspect of this working in tandem to increase China’s long-term talent pool. Wang was selected as part of the first batch of beneficiaries of the program.
(By Andrew Willden)