On November 20, 2013, Professor Wichian Magtoon from Thailand's Srinakharinwirot University, and Professor Nguyen Dinh Tao from the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences presented their latest research to guests of the State Key Lab of Genetic Resources and Evolution at the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Professor Wichian Magtoon—being a long-time devotee to the classification of Thai fish, chromosome karyotyping and biodiversity research—report introduces classification, development and methods of ecological protection of fish within the genus Oryzias latipes in Thailand over the last several years. Meanwhile, Nguyen Dinh Tao summarized the state of current studies in Vietnamese fish biodiversity, including cross-border disputes and classifications. His research in particular highlighted areas of potential cooperation between Vietnam and its neighboring countries.
Speaking respectively on the Taxonomy and Phylogentics of Ricefish and Species Diversity of Freshwater Fish in Vietnam, both reports underscored the interconnected nature of China’s relationship with its regional neighbors in terms of environmental and scientific cooperation. KIZ’s recent sponsorship of the 5th Barcoding of Life Conference, which brought researchers from across the globe to Kunming to discuss greater international cooperation in DNA barcoding efforts world-wide, marked a greater role China’s participation in international biodiversity projects. This follow-up visit by Drs. Wichian Magtoon and Nguyen Dinh Tao further strengthens KIZ’s and China’s commitment to promoting regional scientific cooperation and ecological conservation.

(By Andrew Willden)