At the invitation of the Scientific Committee of the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Dr Guang-Bin LUO and another 3 researchers from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), USA paid a visit to KIZ on July 30, 2012.
Dr. Luo delivered an insightful lecture on “RECQL5 in gene regulation, cancer suppression and response to anticancer treatment”, in which he elaborated the scientific research achievements of his team in CWRU on RECQL5 and anticancer treatment.
The workshop was widely attended by numerous Principal Investigators from KIZ, including Acting Director Dr. Yong-Gang YAO, Dr. Yong-Tang ZHENG, Dr. Ren LAI, Dr. Xu-Dong ZHAO, Dr. Yong-Bin CHEN, Dr. Yi CAO, Dr. Bing-Yu MAO, and Dr. Qing-Peng KONG, as well as a number of postgraduate students from KIZ. After the presentation, Dr. YANG invited the students and members of the audience to join an enthusiastic discussion and exchange their ideas on his current research.