(Image by Song Li) The giant flying squirrels (Petaurista) belong to the subfamily Sciurinae and are distributed from Pakistan and Nepal to East Asia, North Indochina and Southeast Asia. They are nocturnal small mammals primarily feed on fruits, flowers and branches, occasionally on eggs and insects. Attribute to the skin membrane between its legs, it could glide for rather long dista... more |
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) refers to any breast cancer that lacks of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptors (PE) and HER2 protein. It accounts for approximately 15%-25% of all the breast cancers and characterized with the poorest prognosis. So far, no targeted therapies like Tamoxifen or Herceptin have been developed to help prevent recurrence in women with TNBC. Standard trea... more |
Drug addiction is a major social problem for worldwide. While drug usage is often detrimental to mental and physical wellbeing of the user, addiction frequently leaves family, friends and social programs with heavy burdens. Complicating this situation, drug addiction lacks a complete and effective treatment plan, as well as a high rate of relapse after withdrawal. Unfortunately, to date li... more |
Braving the ongoing rainstorms of summer in Yunnan, Chen Xiaoyong of the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy Sciences, and Kong Deping Senior Engineer of the Yunnan Instittute of Environmental Science conducted a joint investigation focused on examining the aquatic biodiversity and water environment in two Northwest Yunnan plateau lakes, Lugu Lake and Bita Lake. To enrich th... more |
Though museums and other public educational facilities are often overlooked for their contributions to academic research, they are vital players in facilitating on-hands research and academic exchanges. Recently, staff at the Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology published a list of fish held at the museum, which included 178 fish specimens belonging to 4 orders and 11 families. The la... more |