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New Light on the Epigenetic Differentiation During Rice Domestication
DNA methylation plays important biological roles in plants and animals. To examine the rice genomic methylation landscape and assess its functional significance, recently scientists from Kunming Institute of Zoology and their colleagues from Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, BGI-Shenzhen, Institute of Botany and Shanghai Cancer Institute generated single-base resolution DNA methylome map... more
New provided evidence to settle the arguments between Nef and DCs of HIV-1
Human immunodeficiency virus infection / Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV has its high genetic variability and can be divided into two major types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common and pathogenetic strain of the virus.
  For the pathology of HIV-1, dentritic cells (DCs), which were fi... more
Biodiversity Soup: Metabarcoding of arthropods for rapid biodiversity assessment and biomonitoring
The rapidity, repeatability, cost-effectiveness, and comprehensiveness of metabarcoding will transform the environmental sciences and make it possible to use measures of biodiversity to address many of China’s needs.
  Managing the forces that affect both the levels and distribution of biodiversity requires the ability to measure biodiversity comprehensively, reliably, repeatedly, and over l... more
Scientists Offer Molecular Explanation of Parallel Evolution of Echolocation in Bats and Toothed Whales
Convergent evolution describes the acquisition of the same biological trait in unrelated lineages, whereas, parallel evolution is the development of a similar trait in related, but distinct, species descending from the same ancestor, but different clades. An iconic example of either of them via natural selection is echolocation by bats, toothed whales and dolphins. Echolocation, also called bio... more
Research Sheds Light on Evolutionary History of Erinaceidae
Erinaceidae is a family of small mammals that include spiny hedgehogs (Erinaceinae),hairy moonrats and gymnures (Galericinae). Hedgehogs (erinaceines) are small, spiny nocturnal mammals that live throughout Eurasia and Africa.The closest living relatives to hedgehogs are moonrats and gymnures (galericines) which are confined to the damp forests in Southeast Asia. They are the oldest known livi... more
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