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How and Why Men and Women Differ in Their Microbiomes?
How and Why Men and Women Differ in Their Microbiomes?

Tumor Genome as “Living Fossil” Reveals Ancient Introgression from Coyotes to Pre-contact Dogs in North America
Tumor Genome as “Living Fossil” Reveals Ancient Introgression from Coyotes to Pre-contact Dogs in North America

Researchers Decipher Forces Shaping Maternal Genetic Landscape of Han Chinese
Researchers Decipher Forces Shaping Maternal Genetic Landscape of Han Chinese

Evolution and Genetics Frontier Symposium Series
Academic Exchanges: Prof. Joost Gribnau,"Dosage compensation, the X-factor unveiled"
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Scientists Unveil How Snailfish Adapts to Deep Sea Environment
Scientists Unveil How Snailfish Adapts to Deep Sea Environment

Nature: Snailfish from the Mariana Trench reveal clues about living life under pressure
Nature: Snailfish from the Mariana Trench reveal clues about living life under pressure

China Daily: Transgenic monkeys carrying human gene show human-like brain development
China Daily: Transgenic monkeys carrying human gene show human-like brain development

The 14th Annual National Symposium of Wildlife Ecology and Resource Conservation
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Annual Report
Annual Report
Our Mission
The Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics (CCEAEG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is one of the Centers for Excellence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, established in November 2017 in accordance with the Pioneer Initiative The Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS is regarded as the CCEAEG’s supporting institution and its collaborating member institutions include the Institute of Genetics And Developmental Biology, the Chengdu Institute of Biology, Institute of Hydrobiology, the Xi'an Branch, the Institute of Zoology (IOZ),the Beijing Institute of Genomics, the University of Science and Technology of China, the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, the Beijing Institute of Life Sciences, the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Insititue of Vetebrate Plaeontology and Paleanthopolgy (both within CAS).  [More]
+86 871 65199125cceaeg@mail.kiz.ac.cn
Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS Institute of Zoology (IOZ), CAS Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, CAS Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Institute of Genetics And Developmental Biology,CAS Institute of Hydrobiology,CAS Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS Beijing Institute of Life Sciences,CAS Insititue of Vetebrate Plaeontology and Paleanthopolgy,CAS
Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS Xi'an Branch, CAS University of Science and Technology of China