2018-09-20 | | 【Print】

Who We Are


The Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics (CCEAEG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The CCEAEG is one of the Centers for Excellence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, established in November 2017 in accordance with the Pioneer Initiative. It was hosted by the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ) of the CAS. The Center brings together a community of outstanding faculty across disciplines and CAS institutions, to promote collaborative research and to support the exchange of ideas and resources.

Taking the advantage of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, CCEAEG focuses on the key field of the animal evolution and genetics, regarding the evolution of complex traits as breakthrough, with strong supporting by the significant International cooperation plan and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Furthermore, CCEAEG will be committed to solve the basic, strategic and novel scientific problems in accordance with the demand of the national and regional development.


+86 871
Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS Institute of Zoology (IOZ), CAS Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, CAS Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Institute of Genetics And Developmental Biology,CAS Institute of Hydrobiology,CAS Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS Beijing Institute of Life Sciences,CAS Insititue of Vetebrate Plaeontology and Paleanthopolgy,CAS
Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS Xi'an Branch, CAS University of Science and Technology of China