1.Kocher, S.D., Mallarino, R., Rubin, B.E.R., Yu, D.W., Hoekstra, H.E., Pierce N.E.The genetic basis for eusociality in a halictid bee.Nature Communications.
2. Heine, D., Holmes, N., Worsley, S., Alves dos Santos, A., Innocent, T., Scherlach, K., Patrick, E., Yu, D.W., Murrell, J.C., Viera, P., Boomsma, J., Hertweck, C., Hutchings, M., Wilkinson, B. (2018) Chemical warfare between leafcutter ant symbionts and a co-evolved pathogen. Nature Communications. 9:2208. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04520-1.
3. Bush, A., Sollmann, R., Wilting, A., Bohmann, K., Cole, B., Balzter, H., Martius, C., Zlinszky, A., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Cobbold, C. A., Dawson, T.P., Emerson, B. C., Ferrier, S., Gilbert, M. T. P., Herold, M., Jones, L., Leendertz, F. H., Matthews, L., Millington, J. D. A., Olson, J., Ovaskainen, O., Raffaelli, D., Reeve, R., R?del, M.-O., Rodgers, T. W., Snape, S., Visseren-Hamakers, I., Vogler, A. P., White, P. C. L., Wooster, M. J., D. W. Yu. (2017) Connecting Earth Observation to High-Throughput Biodiversity Data. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1:0176. doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0176.
4. Rodgers, T.W., Xu, C. C. Y., Giacalone, J., Kapheim, K. M., Saltonstall, K., Vargas, M., Yu, D. W., Somervuo, P., Jansen, P. A., McMillan, W. O. Carrion fly-derived DNA metabarcoding is an effective tool for mammal surveys: evidence from a known tropical mammal community. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12701. bioRciv: https://doi.org/10.1101/133405.
5. Cai, W., Ma, Z.X., Yang, C.Y., Wang, L., Wang, W.Z., Zhao, G.G., Geng, Y.P., Yu, D.W. (2017) Using eDNA to detect the distribution and density of invasive crayfish in the Honghe-Hani Rice Terrace World Heritage Site. PLoS ONE 12:e0177724–13.
6. Hua, F.Y., Wang, X.Y., Zheng, X.L. Dorazio, R.M. Fisher, B., Wang, L., Zhu, J.G., Tang, Y., Yu, D.W., and D. S. Wilcove. (2016) Opportunities for biodiversity gains under the world’s largest reforestation program. Nature Communications. 7:12717. doi:10.1038/ncomms12717
7. Zhang, K., Lin, S.L., Ji, Y.Q., Yang, C.X., Wang, X.Y., Yang, C.Y., Wang, H.S., Jiang, H.S., Harrison, R., and D.W. Yu. (2016) Plant diversity accurately predicts insect diversity in two tropical landscapes. Molecular Ecology 25:4407–4419. doi:10.1111/mec.13770. bioRciv: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/040105
8. Tang, M., Hardman, C.J., Ji, Y.Q., Meng, G.L., Liu, S.L., Tan, M.H., Yang, S.Z., Moss, E.D., Yang, C.X., Bruce, C., Nevard, T., Potts, S.G., Zhou, X., and D.W. Yu. (2015) High-throughput monitoring of wild bee diversity and abundance via mitogenomics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 6:1034–1043.
9. Ren, G.P., Young, S., Wang, L., Wang, W., Long, Y.C., Wu, R.D., Li, J.S., Zhu, J.G., and D.W. Yu. (2015) Effectiveness of China’s National Forest Protection Program and Nature Reserves. Conservation Biology. 29:1368-1377.
10. Ji, Y. Q., Ashton, L., Pedley, S. M., Edwards, D. P., Tang, Y., Nakamura, A., Kitching, R. L., Dolman, P., Woodcock, P., Edwards, F. A., Larsen, T. H., Hsu, W. W., Benedick, S., Hamer, K. C., Wilcove, D. S., Bruce, C., Wang, X. Y., Levi, T., Lott, M., Emerson, B. C. & Yu, D. W. (2013) Reliable, verifiable, and efficient monitoring of biodiversity via metabarcoding. Ecology Letters 16:1245–1257.
11. Scheuring, I., Yu, D.W. (2012) How to assemble a beneficial microbiome in three easy steps. Ecology Letters 15:1300-1307.
12. Yu, D.W., Ji, Y.Q., Emerson, B.C., Ding, Z.L., Wang, X.Y., Yang, C.Y., Ye, C.X. (2012) Biodiversity soup: Metabarcoding for rapid, large-scale biodiversity assessment and biomonitoring of arthropods. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 3:613–623.
Included in Virtual Issue: “Top Methods in Ecology and Evolution” www.methodsinecologyandevolution.org/view/0/virtualIssues/topmethodsvirtualissue.html
13. Archetti, M., Scheuring, I., Hoffman, M., Frederickson, M.E., Pierce, N.E., Yu, D.W. (2011) Economic game theory for mutualism and cooperation. Ecology Letters 14: 1300-1312.
14. Wu R., Zhang S., Yu D.W., Zhao P., Li X., Wang L., Yu Q., Ma J., Chen A. & Long Y. (2011). Effectiveness of China’s nature reserves in representing ecological diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9: 383-389.
15. Weyl, E.G., Frederickson, M.E., Yu, D.W., Pierce, N.E. (2010) Economic contract theory tests models of mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107: 15712–15716.
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