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Research Support TFF3 as a biomarker in Chronic Kidney Disease
Trefoil factors (TFF) are multi-functional peptides that are synthesized and secreted by mucin-secreting epithelial cells in amphibians and vertebrates. They are highly conserved in evolution, and are characterized by heat and enzymatic digestion resistance. Mammalian TFFs have three members (TFF1-3), the gastric peptides pS2/TFF1 and spasmolytic peptide (SP)/TFF2, and the intestinal trefoil fa... more
Figs, Wasps, Carrots and Sticks? A New Theoretical Approach to Understanding the Origin and Nature of Mutualisms and Symbiotic Relationships
Mutualisms—relationships whereby two organisms live in tandem with one another, each providing a service to the other—are among the most interesting and complex relationships in nature. These kinds of relationships are generally considered cooperative interactions, whereby each of the organisms incurs substantial cost in trading services with its partner in order for each of them to gain some... more
Human-Carnivore Conflict in Northwestern Yunnan: Challenges and Opportunities of Conservation Projects in Modern China
Fueled both by rapid economic growth and shifting demographics, by 2012, China’s population had exceeded 1.3 Billion, living standards had risen markedly since the 1980s, and nearly half of all Chinese citizens lived in newly built urban areas. As the world watches these massive shifts and debates the nature of the “Chinese Economic Miracle,” an equally fundamental but less visible change ha... more
Origin and evolution of the RNA processing machinery (SSU processome) and implications for the origin of the nucleolus
The ribosome, a molecular machine powered by RNA, is responsible for protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA processing mature and its association with ribosomal protein is the basic process of ribosomal subunit assembly. In eukaryotic cells, this process is conducted in the nucleolus. As a nucleolar complex for small-subunit ribosomal RNA processing, small-subunit (SSU) processome has been extensivel... more
The Tumor Biology Group of KIZ Identified a Novel Pro-survival Mechanism of the HECTD3 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase
Apoptosis resistance is a hurdle for cancer treatment and apoptosis is a critical cellular process required for maintenance of tissue homeostasis. The Caspase family plays a critical role in apoptosis and caspase-8 is an initial caspase for the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. HECTD3, a new E3 ubiquitin ligase, was recently reported to confer breast cancer cells to cisplatin resistance. The possibl... more
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