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The Researchers Discover New Echolocating Mammalian Lineage
In a study published in Science, a research group led by Prof. SHI Peng from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported a new echolocating mammalian lineage in rodents, illustrating the underestimated bio-diversity of adaptive complex traits, and offering a potential animal model to investigate the behavioral, physiological, and molecular mechanisms of echolocation... more
Researchers develop rapid monitoring methods of biodiversity: A bulk-sample metabarcoding pipeline emphasizing error reduction

  An ecology research led by Prof. Douglas YU and YANG Chunyan from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences present a co-designed wet-lab and bioinformatic workflow, Biodiversity soup II, for metabarcoding bulk samples that removes both false-positive (tag jumps, chimeras, erroneous sequences) and false-negative (‘dropout’) errors. The paper was published in Methods... more
Researchers reveal main drivers for the endangerment of the green peafowl- a cultural icon in East and Southeast Asia

  The green peafowl (Pavo muticus) is known as the "King of Birds" and is of great significance to the cultural inheritance of East Asia and Southeast Asia. With historically wide but now scattered distributions (Figure 1), major drivers underlying its endangerment still remain unclear.
  A research team led by Kunming Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences in collaboration wi... more
Scientists renew taxonomic revision of Altigena lippa and recover the validity of A. laticeps

  Altigena Burton 1934 (Cyprinidae: Labeoninae) is a group of mid-to-large freshwater benthic fish. Kottelat (2017) resurrected this genus from genus Bangana based on the result of the molecular phylogeny of Yang et al. (2012) and redefined the generic diagnoses. The monophyly and validity of Altigena is supported by subsequent study.
  Altigena lippa (Fowler, 1936) was well known as Labeo... more
Researchers Solve Puzzles of Origin and Formation of the Specialized Body Plan in Flatfishes

  Flatfishes have evolved one of the most specialized and unique body plans (flat and asymmetry) among the teleosts. However, the origin and formation mechanism of the peculiar morphology of flatfishes remain unknown.
  A research team formed by Chinese Academy of Sciences (Kunming Institute of Zoology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, and Institute of Hydrobiology), Zhejiang Ocean... more
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