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Researchers reveal the molecular regulatory mechanism in schizophrenia susceptibility locus 2q33.1
A research team led by Prof. LUO Xiongjian from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported the regulatory variants at 2q33.1 confer schizophrenia risk by modulating distal gene TYW5 expression. The finding was published in Brain on 28th September, 2021.
  Schizophrenia, the heritability around 79-81%, is a severe and chronic psychiatric disorder with about 1% lif... more
New version of Chinese tree shrew genome annotation was released
A research team led by Prof. YAO Yonggang from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has reported a new version of Chinese tree shrew genome annotation and studied multiple genomic and transcriptomic characteristics of Chinese tree shrew, including gene family expansion, transcriptomic similarity across four species, and host immune response against virus infection. T... more
The Researchers Discover New Echolocating Mammalian Lineage
In a study published in Science, a research group led by Prof. SHI Peng from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported a new echolocating mammalian lineage in rodents, illustrating the underestimated bio-diversity of adaptive complex traits, and offering a potential animal model to investigate the behavioral, physiological, and molecular mechanisms of echolocation... more
Researchers develop rapid monitoring methods of biodiversity: A bulk-sample metabarcoding pipeline emphasizing error reduction
An ecology research led by Prof. Douglas YU and YANG Chunyan from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences present a co-designed wet-lab and bioinformatic workflow, Biodiversity soup II, for metabarcoding bulk samples that removes both false-positive (tag jumps, chimeras, erroneous sequences) and false-negative (‘dropout’) errors. The paper was published in Methods in E... more
Researchers reveal main drivers for the endangerment of the green peafowl- a cultural icon in East and Southeast Asia
The green peafowl (Pavo muticus) is known as the "King of Birds" and is of great significance to the cultural inheritance of East Asia and Southeast Asia. With historically wide but now scattered distributions (Figure 1), major drivers underlying its endangerment still remain unclear.
  A research team led by Kunming Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Su... more
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