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Researchers Reveal Secretory Cell Endolysosome Channel Mediated Antigen Presentation

  The immune system plays vital roles in protecting host against a wide variety of pathogenic organisms and malignant cells. Acquired immunity is a specific immune protection system with immunological memory to recognize specific antigen. Antigen presentation is the first step of acquired immunity which mediated by professional antigen-presenting cells for antigen uptake, processing and pres... more
Researchers reveal the molecular mechanism of stroke induced by iron deficiency anemia and the use oral contraceptives

  Ischemic stroke is usually caused by vascular obstruction, accounting for about 87% of stroke. In short, ischemic stroke occurs after severe reduction or interruption of cerebral blood flow caused by vascular occlusion. At present, ischemic stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and the most important cause of permanent disability. Both factors, including iron deficiency ... more
Target switch of centipede toxins for antagonistic switch

  Animal venoms are powerful, highly evolved chemical weapons for defense and predation. While venoms are used mainly to lethally antagonize heterospecifics (individuals of a different species), nonlethal envenomation of conspecifics (individuals of the same species) is occasionally observed. Both the venom and target specifications underlying these two forms of envenomation are still poorly... more
Researchers reveal regulation mechanism of oxygen-dependent secretory cell endocytosis channel

  The study carried out with amphibians as models has made many outstanding original contributions to the life science process, such as muscle metabolism, chemical basis of nerve conduction, somatic cell cloning etc. The skin of amphibians is responsible for important physiological functions of breathing, water balance, mucosal barrier and immunity, but little is known about the mechanisms o... more
Study finds circSCMH1 treatment improved functional recovery post stroke

  Stroke is the third most common cause of mortality and often leads to long-term disability with no efficient clinical therapy in place. In 80% of cases, stroke is diagnosed as ischemia induced by thrombotic occlusion of cerebral arteries or branches. A variety of circular RNA (circRNAs) molecules are known to function in ischemic brain injury.
  In a recent study published in Circulation... more
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