Rhesus macaque is the most widely used nonhuman primate animal in biomedical research. Though the oversea scientists have sequenced the genomes of Indian rhesus macaque, it is still not enough to get a global map of genetic variations in rhesus macaque. A research group from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) did a collaborative se... more |
The formation of modern Japanese is one of the hottest topics in anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and genetics in East Asia. In 1991, Hanihara Kazuro put forward the most prevailing “dual structure model”. According to model, the modern Japanese are the result of an admixture between the Jomon and Yayoi populations who have successively migrated to Japan from the Asian continent, and w... more |
Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder with high heritability. Multiple genes were discovered to be associated with it, among which the cardiomyopathy associated 5 gene (CMYA5) has recently been identified to be a novel risk gene leading to schizophrenia in European and African American populations. However, it remained unknown whether the research result could be applied to Chinese populat... more |
In traditional Eastern medicine, horseflies are used as anti-thrombosis material for hundreds of years. In recent years, the research team led by Prof. Lai Ren from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences has identified several families of proteins or peptides with pharmacological activities from the horsefly Tabanus yao Macquart(MCP 2008, 7:582-90; MCP 2009, 8:2071-9; Dev... more |
Gastric cancer remains one of the major diseases plaguing people’s health in China as is evidenced by 400,000 affected people every year, accounting for 40% of world’s total number. The death rate in China is 4-8 times higher than developed countries. Although much work has been done to study the molecular mechanism underlying the progression of gastric cancer, it is still not sufficient. ... more |