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Activation of Protease-activated Receptor (PAR) 1 by Frog Trefoil Factor (TFF) 2 and PAR4 by Human TFF2.

  Mucosa is the body’s first barrier with the outside world. People alway take a large number of alcohol, pepper and other stimuli, or long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs (such as aspirin), that can cause stomach pain, diarrhea and mouth sores and other symptoms of the disease. That is because the gastrointestinal mucosal hurt. Vertebrates are widely distributed... more
βγ-CAT Induces Platelet Apoptosis
βγ-CAT, a non-lens betagamma-crystallin and trefoil factor complex, is found to induce calcium-dependent platelet apoptosis, suggested the research team headed by ZHANG Yun from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KIZ, CAS).
  βγ-CAT dots the skin secretions of mammals, whose mechanism and function, however, remain unknown to scientists. The research team of KIZ bla... more
Phylogenetic Utility of Nuclear Introns in Interfamilial Relationships of Caniformia
The monophyletic group Caniformia (dog-like carnivores) in the order Carnivora comprises 9 families. However, the interfamilial relationship of Caniformia, particularly the phylogenetic placement of Ursidae, remains a controversial issue among researchers.
  A research group headed by academician ZHANG Yaping from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences made a study on phylo... more
New Progress in Natural Medicine and Functional Proteomics
The ground beetle of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker has been used as traditional anti-thrombosis medicine without bleeding risk for several hundreds years and is presently reared as a medicinal insect in China. Recently, fibrinolytic activities have been found in this insect but the component and its detailed mechanism were not characterized and revealed.
  In order to identify and characterize ... more
Comparison of HIV-, HBV-, HCV- and Co-Infection Prevalence between Chinese and Burmese Intravenous Drug Users of the China-Myanmar Border Region
Co-infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is highly prevalent in intravenous drug users (IDUs). Because of the proximity to the “Golden Triangle”, HIV prevalence among the IDUs is very high in the China-Myanmar border region. However, there are few studies about co-infection with HIV and HCV and/or HBV, especially in the region ... more
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