Schizophrenia is a severe and complex human mental disorder bothers millions of people world-wild, of which the genetic and environmental factors play a combinative role in the development, while, although many possible outbreak candidates have been proposed, the underlying genetic risk factors are yet to be identified. Recently, GSK3β, which is of pivotal importance in brain development ... more |
Probably no one hasn’t experienced to be bite or stung by insects, although most of them are harmless while unpleasant, but, for those who are allergic to insect venoms, a single bite or sting could induce severe symptoms, sometimes even fatal. However, not many people know who the peacebreaker here is. Many allergens have been identified from the venoms of insects including bees, wasps, ... more |
In general, warm blood animals migrate from high altitude to low altitude areas to overwinter, while, for white-and-black snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti), they prefer to choose the opposite direction. To explain this “abnormal” phenomenon, QUAN Ruichang (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG)-CAS), REN Guopeng (Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS) and their colleges popped out ... more |
Still want to say that organisms’ mutation rates during development are equal? Well, you may want think about it twice now. GAO JianJun (Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS) and his colleges’ research results on PNAS (Sep. 2011, E-published ahead of print, www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1100233108) showed the U-shaped characteristics of germ-line development of male Drosophila melanogaster, ... more |
Mollusk is an important indicator of water pollution and eutrophication takes more responsibility for their death. From 1940s till the early 21 century, the freshwater mollusk of the Lake Dianchi has been decreased from 31 species, 2 sub-species to 16 species, 1 sub-species due to eutrophication, and for more specifically, the benthic species (eg. margarya melanoides, anodonta woodiana woodiana... more |