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Outbred Genome Sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing in Butterflies
Butterflies are exceptionally diverse but their potential as an experimental system has been limited by the difficulty of deciphering heterozygous genomes and a lack of genetic manipulation technology. In order to develop butterflies as new models for exploring such topics as genetic mechanism of morphological evolution, the researchers from the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Acade... more
KIZ Researchers Made Progresses in Generating a Breast Cancer Tree Shrew Model with High Efficiency and Short Latency
Breast cancer is a common malignant tumor. The advance of breast cancer treatments is hindered in part by challenges in translating to humans the successes achieved indistantly related rodent species. To bridge that evolutionary gap, scientists have begun to turn to an alternative model organism, the tree shrew (Tupaiabelangerichinensis). Tree shrews have increasingly become an attractive exper... more
The Animal Toxins We Study
In the wild, many animal species, no matter how small or strong they are, can use their specialized ways to defend themselves and to prey, e.g., the deadly predator, mantis, really masters the skill of hiding its merciless nature under the disguise of those super adorable, mysteries or even spiritual gestures of mimicry; the strong, mighty lions, on the other hand, never understand how to manif... more
Near Full-length Novel HIV-1 Chimera Indentified in Northern Myanmar after 12 Years since 2003
Due to the special geographical location of the Myanmar-China border, and relatively high numbers of high-risk groups, including intravenous drug users (IDUs), commercial sex workers (CSWs), long-distance truck drivers (LDTDs), etc., this region has become one of the hardest-hit areas of HIV worldwide. Moreover, the constant and regular activities of these high-risk groups between China and Mya... more
Odor Detection Systems
In modern human society, odor detection tasks are becoming more and more prominent, e.g. to prevent terrorism or for drug searches, and especially the use of rodents for these tasks has some unique advantages. Researchers from the Kunming Institute of Zoology developed a novel apparatus and operant conditioning paradigm (Relative GO NO-GO) for mouse-based odor detection systems. Using this syst... more
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