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KIZ Researchers Investigate Why HIV-1 Activities are Restricted in Certain Species of Monkeys
When looking for a cure for HIV, scientists are turning to our closest genetic relative: monkeys. Monkeys can be infected with HIV, but there is one key difference when compared with their human counterparts: HIV doesn’t often replicate in monkeys. There are several restriction factors that prevent replication of HIV-1 in primates, namely TRIMCyp, a fusion protein. This protein developed indep... more
Mind and Body? Novel Genetic Risk FXiong-Jian Luoactors for Schizophrenia Seems to Improve Our Breathing
Less than1% of the global population suffers from Schizophrenia, a potentially debilitating disease in which the patient loses the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Schizophrenia usually manifests during adolescence, and brings with it a heavy financial and emotional burden for close family and friends. Previous research on twins has established that genetic factors are associ... more
What the Nose Knows: KIZ Researchers Develop a New Framework for Teaching Animals to Detect Odors
Smell detection plays an increasingly important role in numerous areas of daily existence, from sniffing out drugs at the airport to identifying diseases. Most of the time dogs trained to hone their sense of smell for these purposes, but even man’s best friend can have limited use in some situations. For example, dogs don’t always operate well without a handler, they may suffer reduced abilit... more
Nuclear-encoded Core Subunits of Mitochondrial Complex I May Not Confer Genetic Susceptibility to Schizophrenia in Han Chinese
Schizophrenia is a prevalent mental disorder characterized with typical symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, auditory hallucinations, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and lack of motivation. As one of the mental diseases with extremely high incidence, the lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia worldwide is up to 1%. According to what people have known a... more
New Genetic Evidence Supports an Initial Migration of Settlers into Eastern Asia via Myanmar
Precisely how humans came to initially populate Asia is a matter of some contention. After migrating out of Africa, it is generally agreed upon that humans moved along the coastline, and settled along the way, eventually pushing inland. Another hypothesis posits that humans passed through the mountainous regions by following waterways. Asia is home to several great waterways, including the Meko... more
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